Faculty and Personnel


Andrew Goldstein


Ira Clark
Hershey Hall, Room 220A
Teaches: BMD RES 193H
and BMD RES 194H

Student Services Advisor

Enika Tumanov
Hershey Hall, Room 220B

Academic Administrator

Carrie Spratford
Life Science Building, Room 2366
Teaches: BMD RES 10H


Kirsten Turlo
Teaches: BMD RES 1A
and BMD RES 193H


Amy Fluitt
Hershey Hall, Room 220C
Teaches: BMD RES 5HA
and BMD RES 194H


Michael Lough-Stevens
BMD RES 193H and 194H

Previous Faculty

Utpal Banerjee Founding Director, Biomedical Research Minor and Professor of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology
Tracy Johnson Former Director, Dean of Life Sciences, Professor of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology
Karen Lyons Former Director, Professor of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology
Tina Austin Former Lecturer, Biomedical Research Minor and Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology
Cory J. Evans Professor at Loyola Marymount University
Diana Rigueur Lecturer, Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology
Rafael Romero Associate Director, Neuroscience IDP

The Faculty Advisory Committee

Andrew Goldstein Chair, Professor of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology
John Colicelli Professor of Biological Chemistry
Stephanie Correa Professor of Integrative Biology and Physiology
Megan McEvoy Professor of Institute for Society and Genetics
Tom Graeber Professor of Molecular Medical Pharmacology
Aldons J. Lusis Professor of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics
Carlos Portera-Calliau Professor of Neurology
Margot Quinlin Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry 
Felix Schweizer Professor of Neurobiology