The Minor in Biomedical Research Courses
Biomedical Research 1A: Science in your Time (5 units) – General Education Course. Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Exploration of current topics in biology from media sources like news organizations and TED Talks, tracing information back to primary research. Students learn to critically evaluate primary sources. Discussion of bias in system producing primary research from undergraduate education through tenured faculty, and medicine and national science funding (National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation). Addresses lack of Black and Latinx representation and its impact on science valued by current system. Letter grading. Visit the BMD RES 1A website.
Fulfills GE: Foundations of Scientific Inquiry
This class satisfies the following College/School diversity requirement:
Education and Information Studies
College of Letters and Science
School of Music
Public Affairs
Biomedical Research 5HA: Biomedical Research: Concept and Strategies (4 units) – Introductory Course required to apply to the Minor. Lecture, three hours. In this “research deconstruction” course, outstanding research faculty are invited to deliver seminars on cutting-edge research recently conducted in their laboratory. The instructor uses each seminar as a platform for a series of classes that explore fundamental concepts and experimental approaches employed in the research. Topics may include cancer, rare genetic diseases, metabolic disorders, etc., as well as more basic research in cell and molecular biology. Letter grading.
Biomedical Research 5HB: Biomedical Research: Essential Skills and Concepts (4 units) – Core curriculum required for completion of the Minor. Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Limited to Biomedical Research minor students. Designed for freshmen/sophomores. Exploration of scientific concepts and experimental approaches through seminars by UCLA faculty members on their cutting-edge research. Topics may include areas of study such as cancer, stem cells, and infectious disease, the biology of aging, as well as more basic research in cell and molecular biology. Student investigation of one or more laboratories on campus and presentation of brief synopsis of single research project from one laboratory. Letter grading.
Biomedical Research 10H: Research Training in Genes, Genetics, and Genomics (6 units) – Introductory Course required to apply to the Minor. Two 90-minute lectures and two 3-hour lab sections per week. Limited to 24 students. Basic training in biological research, including techniques in use of model organisms, genetics, and scientific writing and presentation skills. Part of Undergraduate Research Consortium in Functional Genomics. Letter grading.
Biomedical Research 193H: Journal Club Seminars: Current Topics in Biomedical Research (2 units) – Core Curriculum required for completion of the Minor. Seminar, three hours. Limited to Biomedical Research minor students. Presentation and discussion of recent papers from primary literature in biosciences. Letter grading.
Biomedical Research 194H: Research Groups Seminars: Data Presentation in Biomedical Research (2 Units) – Core Curriculum required for completion of the Minor. Seminar, three hours. Limited to Biomedical Research minor students. Preparation of oral presentations based on student laboratory research at UCLA. May be repeated for credit. Letter grading.
For our course offerings during the academic year, please make sure to check out our scheduled courses here.